Sunday, December 30, 2001

I'm sneaking on the comp here and there.... bad..... but I need to talk to Tom... =P Anyhow... Aunty Tracy came over with michael and tammy.... that was nice since Mike has been bak from Georgia Tech for a few weeks now.... heard some interesting stories about Kendall and Danielle... they're the cutest little gurls heehee Kendall is sooo sweet but heard from Michael she likes hitting ppls now... she's onlee 3! man.... heehee nothing special tonite think Imma stay up at watch some tv since I can't stay on the comp and talk to Tom... want to see him tomorrow! =/
Not suppose to be on the comp but oh wellies! wanted to update heehee hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas..... no comment about mine..... =( day after Christmas I had drivers ed.... boring! But I met new peeps! Steven and Jeff....they go to CVHS too.... they were quite impressed by my cantonese.... =P 27th... same thing drivers ed...but during lunch.... Tom came by! =) That was nice! I miss him soooo much! Haven't seen him for dayz! came by on the 28th too.... He looks soooo cute cuz his cheeks are kinda pufy after he got his wisdom teeth off.... =) and yea....... I didn't go yesterday cuz I was reallie reallie sick... fever.... 103 degrees... ugh.... went to the doctor's instead....I was in bed the whole day yesterday.... =( I'm so proud of myself! I got a lot of my hw done! But not all done..... gr.......gonna make this short so yea... update later or tomorrow

Monday, December 24, 2001

Wow haven't updated for a looonnggg time..... gr.... anyhow.... let's see how much I can remember from friday and sat.... on friday we went to pick Lily up from the airport and went to Osho for lunch... good food there...... then one of those two days we finished up our christmas shopping! Or I did at least..... yup yup Saw Ken and Diana...Me and Loretta didn't take that long to shop since we got most of the gifts we sat down and called my mommy's cell non-stop to see where they were... but no one picked up! goshies...... we found them later on home and was pretty much pooped out...... Think I went to the mall too much recently.....spent WAY too much money too! =P Welp yesterday's party was okay.... felt kinda bad cuz I think Will, Jhermaine and Rob were bored...... Making themselves look like they were into the Chess game... or they could be but that's still boring! Dunnos about Nick though.... It didn't seem like he was THAT bored... =/ (I hope) but in the morning Loretta made the chicken while me and Lily made the tortillas..... spent the whole morning preparing food and cleaning our messy house.....heehee Hm... I wonder if Suse's still around heehee I gotta get Sophie to help me throw her in the pool! =) Sophie we have officially found our first client! hahahaha We shall charge Jimbo though! Send him the bill okies? And Suse I am not scandelous! Get that in ur head! heehee Sophie and Suse cracks me up! =P It was fun I guess....some ppls were playing Monopoly and others playing Chess..... they hooked up XBOX too but Loretta kicked the guys off so ppls can dance.... (not that a lot of ppls were dancing! *aheam* Will.... ) but he said he had a headache.... had some glowsticking inside the house.... Jeff showing off his mad skillz.....Oooo I saw Suse dance! yay! heehee ;) A while into the dancing Will, Jhermaine and Rob left..... but they came bak later on with Greg, Gareth and Tim....... Most ppls left around 11:00-11:30... but Jeff, Conal, Alex and Tom stayed till 12ish I think.....It was nice cuz I spent more time with Tom yesterday! =D He helped me clean up my house too! heehee =) So sweet! Oh! I opened his gift yesterday and it's reallie reallie cute! Thank you!!!!! =D Think I'm gonna go to the mall again with Lily heehee She said she needs to get me and Loretta's christmas present.... so yea.... I'm juss gonna go so I can find my dress! heehee Can't stop looking at dresses but I still haven't found the right one hahahahaha okies I'll stop.....

Thursday, December 20, 2001

ah... don't u juss luv the feeling where u go home knowing u don't have to do anything for a few weeks? heehee I DO! =D well I do... but I definitely don't plan on starting any of it till hm next week???? maybe? who knows! heehee Anyways... classes were cut short today so that was nice... the assmebly was okay... the broadcast from video journalism was pretty cool..... finished up the lab in chem and I think I hecka burned Jim's hand.... I was pouring the base into the burette and the flask was hecka small..... I was pouring it rather fast I guess and it spilled out and got on our hands but more on his... =( I'm sooooo sorries Jimbo! =( But the extra credit for chem is crazy! 40 mole problems! we gotta make it up and solve it showing all the work.... gr.... it's like the first 20 are free (don't get points for those) but 21-40 are 2pts each or something like that which gives us 40 pts extra credit if we wanna do it.... I think I will cuz I NEED it.... =( Sat was boring.... spanish we were singing stupid songs in my opinion.... Hamlit was okay.....and Ush we finished up the projects we were doing on foreign policies.... I misplaced mine so I had to start alllll over... but lucky me I still finished before class ended! =) yay me! heehee and Tom was actually at the room after class too! =D wow! heehee We ordered pizza in there too.... yup yup yup!! hm... let's see... after skool I spent some time with Tom! =D yay! heehee But I'm sooooo happy we have winter break! Party on sunday yay! I'm giving ppls their presents that day too cuz I'm too lazy to bring boxes and boxes of stuff to skool... =P kays a breif update about yesterday...... as most of u know.... i got up early to finish my Douglass Unit Test for Hamlit... gr..... the printer died on me too! scared me half to death! But I fixed it! heehee =D the rest of the day was boring (since I can't remember wat happend LOL) Sophie.... I think the alzheimers kick'n it again! Ah!!! heehee but yea..... hm.... at nite I went to the Requiem..... it was pretty good... saw lotsa ppls! =D It was funny... I bumped into lotsa ppls parents too and they're like oh HI! and I'm like HI!!! then I as I'm walking I'm like who's mommy or daddy was that? heehee whoops.... bad..... oy! but yea..... I remembered after a while!!! =P Guess who I saw though!!!! Mrs. Louie!!!! She was my 5th grade teacher from CCS (chinese christian school)! AH!!! I haven't seen her forever!!!! She was one of my favorite teachers.... and the one and onlee teacher that taught Me, Lily, and Loretta.... heehee =D That was coolios..... after the concert.... Tom and the guys were suppose to go out and eat....but yea... Tom and I ended up kick'n it at Will's house for a while.... thanks for letting us go to ur house Will! Sorries for bothering u! =P Went home after that and did nothing! heehee That's about it! Yay! I get to stay up later tonite watching tv hahahaha Go me! =D

Wednesday, December 19, 2001

AH!!! Need to finish hw... update later today =( Want to sleep

Monday, December 17, 2001

Tired….. ah!!! It’s onlee Monday too! Gr….. had a test in Chem today… ha! Bombed that one….. stat was boring… was studying Spanish in there… =P Took a test in Spanish… think I did okay…… saw Tom during break…… =D Ooo he had the mittens on today! Happy! =D heehee but yea Hamlit was boring…. So much to do in that class! AH!!!! Wonder wat time I can get to bed tonite…. Not early that’s for sure….. =( and in History we juss took a bunch of notes….. yearbook was boring….. after skool today my dad took us to toyrus to get something…. And then we went to ProImage for editor pictures for yearbook…. Johnny and Greg were very funny… heehee hm… think I’ll go bak to doing my hw…. =( (sniff sniff) Thanks Lizzy for helping me with my quotes! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEREK! YOU'RE 20 NOW! (not quite 21 but getting there! heehee ) YAY! ;)

Sunday, December 16, 2001

gr... stupid blogger didn't reallie work the whole day so imma make this short... didn't do anything today... boring day... did lotsa hw! =/ but yea....... anyhow..... talked to Tom! yay! Its always nice to talk to him.... ooo and Derek (SF) called today! whoa! Last time I talked to him was halloween? heehee but yea... that was pretty cool..... haven't talked to him for dayz..... =D Ooo I went to tennis this morning... onlee me and Sophie though.... it was funny cuz I couldn't hit the ball over the net LOL AND I missed the overheads and everything! hahaha Coach thinks we got rusty... =P Oh wellies... but he made us run back and forth and back and forth... gr.... tired... and sore! goshies.....Can't move...... pain..... Op It's Greg's birthday today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! =D

Saturday, December 15, 2001

It's me and Tom's 6 month anniv. today! but yes yes... made Tom drop by for a a minute so I can get something to him.... finished up all my christmas shopping too! Saw Ken there! Was in the men's department already looking for stuffies... and I was like hm... I'll go find Ken! But then I gave up cuz there were way too many ppls but later on he saw me and yea talked to him for a few minutes.... yup yup... saw Kim (SLZ) too! Haven't seen her for a looonnggg time! That's basically it! I'm pretty much broke now.... (sigh) oo but yea... thanks to those who sign my guestbook! It's nice to now other ppls read it!

Friday, December 14, 2001

Wowies had a pretty fun day today! Chem was kinda boring....... finished up the lab.... and I still don't understand the lab! gr.... it's okies Jimbo's gonna help me on my lab report later this weekend right???? =D Mark left the two roses on my desk in chem so I can give it to Rebecca..... he left the thorns on it! goshies.... make it harder for us to hold it! But it's okies..... It was kinda funny though cuz everyone was like "aw.... did Tom give u that?" heehee I was complaining about the thorns so Louis took out his pocket knife and cut them ALL off for me! heehee made it easier for me to hold it till 4th period....Stat was boring.... so was spanish.....Hamlit we had a "talkaround".... not that interesting..... lunch was okies! I spent lunch with Tom! yay! heehee Yearbook was boring.... we had another sub today... she was okay.....but the class overall was boring... Paolo was trying to make me forge a letter from his mom to get his md player bak...... goshies... but no I didn't write it for him..... after skool today...... I went shopping with Steph! yup yup! It was fun! heehee Mainly I had to buy the gift for Tom ......I bought part of it! Need to get the rest of it tomorrow...... =P anyhow...... it was hard to find the right thing for him.... hope he likes it! =/ There were hella ppls at the mall! Saw Jessica H, June, and David there.... and bumped into Carol and Gareth...... Oooo and we saw Conal, Jeff, Alex, and Matt! Conal and Jeff walked around with us for a while..... then we went to Mc Donalds.... Matt and Alex met up with them there.... then two of them walked off again....Conal and Jeff were being nasty butts! Things they talk about! LOL j/p! It's juss Jeff! LOL j/k Jeff! heehee After that me and Steph shopped a little more and we left.... yup yup... got home and talked to Tom..... that's it! yay! For all of u who are going to Winter ball tomorrow... have fun!!!! =D Hope u had fun today Steph! =)

Thursday, December 13, 2001

hm... didn't update yesterday... oy! heehee okies let's see.... nothing interesting yesterday... cept we watched some live act thingy of Julius Caesar in the cafeteria during Hamlit heehee that was interesting... yup yup Took a test in history..... that kinda sucked...that's about it! Ooo and the fact that someone ditched me yesterday... goghies so mean..... welp...Today.... nothing fun today either..... took a quiz in stat today...... then another quiz in Hamlit.... and that's it! We moved rooms today in yearbook.... now we'll be in 202! ah!!! Too far! =P Oh wellies..... I won't be late to class! =P Didn't do anything in there either... ah.. boring dayz..... but I spent more time with Tom today since he took me home.... we got something else worked out too! yay! =D heehee okies I'll stop....nothing fun to write about... but tomorrow's friday! yay!
hm... didn't update yesterday... oy! heehee okies let's see.... nothing interesting yesterday... cept we watched some live act thingy of Julius Caesar in the cafeteria during Hamlit heehee that was interesting... yup yup Took a test in history..... that kinda sucked...that's about it! Ooo and the fact that someone ditched me yesterday... goghies so mean..... welp...Today.... nothing fun today either..... took a quiz in stat today...... then another quiz in Hamlit.... and that's it! We moved rooms today in yearbook.... now we'll be in 202! ah!!! Too far! =P Oh wellies..... I won't be late to class! =P Didn't do anything in there either... ah.. boring dayz..... but I spent more time with Tom today since he took me home.... we got something else worked out too! yay! =D heehee okies I'll stop....nothing fun to write about... but tomorrow's friday! yay!

Tuesday, December 11, 2001

gr... stupid comp froze on me.... anyways... don't be surprised if I choose not to update this for a while.... I'm lazy.... welp Chem was okay today... juss like another math class for me... solving equilibrium problems witht he quadratic formula..... ooooo heehee but it takes too long! Stat was boring...... got our quiz wasn't that hard and I thought I could've pulled off an A- on it but Nooooooo got a 85%! stupid..... make me mad..... Hamlit was okay... but way too much work in there.... Sophie didn't seem like she got much better... hope u feel better soon Sophie! =/ History was boring.... think I'll go study for that test later..... yearbook was boring... Paolo was being annoying...... =P Best part of the day was spending time with Tom... =D that's for sure.... but I got him mad this morning.... I always say/do the wrong things that pisses him off..... he said he's not pissed off but I think he was... he's juss saying that.....=( (sniff sniff) somehow I kept thinking today was wednesday hahah stupid me!

Monday, December 10, 2001

U knoe wat? It's hecka cold at our house right now!!!!! Thought someone turned on the heat... but no.... they turned on the cool air! It's been running till now! AH!!!!!! COLD!!!!!! stupid...... wonder who turned it on this morning? started my day off rather crappy....anyhow.... nothing worth updating today... nothing special.... but I got my jacket bak from Linda's Lettering.... onlee reason why I'm updating right now is cuz it's Jimbo's birthday today! yay! Happy Birthday Jimbo!!!! You're 17 now! =D

Sunday, December 09, 2001

heehee didn't update yesterday either....ah... getting lazy... anyways... yesterday morning we went to visit Ms. Cowl... she looks pretty much the same... which is good.... seems like lotsa ppls went to visit her.... =) But yea... me and Loretta brought her the big fat card, the doggy and a stocking with candy... yup yup.. seems like she liked it! Then we went to the lot by Safeway and bought our christmas tree...bought it there cuz Tim and Mark kept bugging me to buy it there.... there happy? heehe Anyhow... got home and my mommy and I moved it in the house! heck yeah! but she was complaining..... that's when u need a guy at the very moment..... heehee after that was done we decided to put up the lights outside... but then we onlee got through half of it.. got too dark so we stopped..... but stupid lights.... a section of it doesn't work! gr.... stupid stupid stupid Oh wellies.... I showered... ate dinner and went to the musical... it was funny! heehee I liked it! Good job! =) Tom took me home... but I didn't know he took Will, Jhermaine, and Nick there....which means he had to take them home =( Felt so bad... made the three of them sit in the bak... sorries... =*( but yea... Tom looked very nice last nite! heehee ;) Anyhow.... Suse how can u ditch all of us? =P goshies!!!!! Oooo and I saw Andrew and Caroline(from CCS) yup yup... that was pretty cool...... hm... today... wat did I do today? I did a lot of hw! heehee yay! It's nice to wake up to the smell of the christmas tree! but later on we're gonna decorate the house and the christmas tree! yay! I love that! heehee U should see our house during Christmas! Welp some of u will! =D okies Talking to Tom now... =P

Saturday, December 08, 2001

Good morning ppls! Didn't update last nite cuz I fell asleep rather early heehee =P but yea... I'll update now! Yesterday at skool was rather boring i guess.... took a test in Chem..... in stat she was juss giving a lecture on the lesson we're on so I was doing my hw..... spanish was boring.... hamlit was okay.... I actually like the dicusssions we have now.... very interesting... yup yup... But hey I gotta say Sophie! That pencil thingy u showed me was very clever! heehee So creative! =) Ush we took another bunch of notes..... boring..... during lunch I went to yearbook... played scrabble with Jim and Lizzy... Oooo and guess wat? Me and Lizzy won! yay! Go lizzy! OooooooOOooooo heehee Guess now Jimbo owes us lunch! =D that was pretty fun...yearbook was boring...... yup yup.... that's it! Spent time with Tom in the morning, break and lunch for a few minutes.... but... after skool we went golfing with Hubert and Loretta! heehee =D yea... Loretta was like okies me and Hubert against u and Tom... and guess wat? Me and Tom won!!!!! yay! heehee Yea... Tom and his golfing skillz..... =P Then we spent some time playing games inside..... Watched Hubert play that boxing game... violent man..... j/p me and Tom played some funny game thingy... it's weird but it was fun... heehee =) Tom was playing streetfighter or something and some guy came and played against him... lost and left.... then a few minutes later he came bak wit his friend and it took two of them to beat Tom... now how sad is that? yes yes =P Came home and watched Tv the whole nite basically... called Tom around 8 something... talked till 9 something.... and when I got off the phone.... I basically fell asleep on the couch... heehee around 12 something my mommy woke me up and brought my upstairs heehee =) lazy...... anyhow..... update later on about my day today! heehee Hopefully it'll be fun! =)

Thursday, December 06, 2001

Did I ever tell u guys I reallie don’t like the weather here! Gr….. anyways….. my day today was a lot better than yesterday that’s for sure….. nothing fun happened in Chem today…. But after Chem… JB went to my class to find me…. Never see him around anymore but yea…. That was kool….. walked with me to stat to drop off my stuff then I walked with him bak to the orchestra room… bumped into Misa! Talked to her for a bit….. =) Haven’t seen her around since who knoes when! Yup yup That was nice… then I basically spent the rest of tutorial in stat studying for the test…. I hope I did good! (cross my fingers) But thanks Louis for helping me study! Ooo my Spanish teacher wasn’t here today! Heehee yay for me! As most of u know already I don’t like her…. =P did some classwork and that was pretty much it…. Took a test in Hamlit on Frederick Douglass…. Ah!!!!! That test was hecka hard!!!! I failed that one…. Knoe it already… there were 30 multiple choice questions and 1 where u write the rhetorical devices….. I was on like 25 when it was 11:40…. I was like O crap!!! So I pretty much rushed through the last 5 and the few I skipped earlier….. so I onlee had 5 minutes to write up the rhetorical device thingy… ah!!!! That sucked!!!!!! Er… It was open book so I thought maybe I can get most of the multiple choice right then have a few points off the rhetorical device thing but nope! Guess that didn’t work! Gr………. Stupid stupid stupid…. =( oy!!!! Anyhow… took a whole bunch of notes in Ush so nothing fun there….. yearbook was boring… and yea… but hey I saw Tom during break, lunch and after skool! That was wonderful! Made my day better! The key club thingy during lunch was cancelled…. So yea…. Then Tom was so nice… he took me home again… didn’t have to walk the few blocks….. thanks! =)

Wednesday, December 05, 2001

Ooo didn't update yesterday but nothing special there so I'm not gonna bother going bak and try to remember wat I did..... my alzheimer doesn't allow me to remember events that past already..... hahaha Sophie... is yours that bad too? heehee j/k! =) Ooo the onlee thing I can remember is getting 3 more pics of me and Tom... oooo heehee yeah... now I have 4! =P One from Value.... was so close to taking the ones Tom had that Will took on his digital camera but nope... Tom wouldn't let me.... =P (he took me home again yesterday... waste his time again..) I get paranoid with white space.. <-- learned that in yearbook.. so I cut one of the pics to a nice little shape... looks a lot better with less white space on it... =) Gonna put it in my picture album or on my desk! Anyways... I'm gonna vent for a while so bare with me.. don't worry I'm not gonna type out the words cuz then my sissy Value would get up on my face about it! LOL j/p! Luv ya Val heehee Anyhow... I had a hella s***y day today..... the day itself sucked cuz of other reasons.... one thing was cuz I didn't get to see or talk to Tom much today... max wat 20 mins? But have u ever tried putting time into something then when u bring it up to ppls about ur thoughts and ideas they bash every single one of them? yea well that's pretty much wat happend today.... after I brought up the ideas I came up and everyone gave their own "response" I was like wtf? No one else would take up the job for something or someone told me no one did it so I decided o maybe I can come up with something... then when I do... they're like ooo nm we probably don't need one anymore...d*** it! If u didn't need it... then don't tell ppls to come up with ideas for it... total waste of my time... and I had to call up some business thingy and stuff to get info for them... then everyone juss closes the ideas and doesn't even bother with it..... but seriously... if u didn't like the idea right when I brought it up to u or if u guys reallie didn't want it... then say something about it! why the f*** did u bother wasting my time? and wat did I get outta it? A whole bunch of s*** thrown bak at me...... couldn't stand it so I left the room right after... as for the design and stuff I left.....toss it in the trash for all I care... it's a whole bunch of bulls*** to them anyways.....Ugh..... okies I'm sorries I didn't mean any of that but I was very upset afterwards.....went to key club for a while during lunch too... I told Sophie wat happend ( I was going to burst) and she was being very nice about it... thanks Sophie! ( Wanna go cry now =*( ) all the other classes sucked... very boring.... this whole week is going to suck soooo much.... I knoe it already.....After skool I talked to Tom for a bit then went to Ms. Tierney's room to go pick up stuffed animals for the stuffed animal drive.....Welp I'm going to go do my hw and study for my tests tomorrow..... Buuuutttt guess wat? Will is starting to update his site again! yay! =D He's starting on a new layout so u can go check it out! And... I changed my comment thingy... so the ppls that left comments on monday's blog... didn't see it sorries! =(

Monday, December 03, 2001

Guess wat? I'm bak!!! yay! heehee Ugh... u have no clue how boring life is without the internet... this comp is useless without internet connection! oy! But hey it works now! =D HAPPY! Anyways.... hm... last time I updated was thursday? wow..... okies welp I'll fill u in with watever I can remember from the weekend if u guys care at all.... hahah anyhow.... saturday I woke up rather late cuz it was a gloomy day... right when I got up my mommy told us we're gonna go pick up Loretta and Louis from Hayward High (SAT) and yea... picked up Louis's mommy too and we went out to Milpitas for lunch....walked around for a bit... saw the cutest thing!! Not gonna say wat it was though heehee But yea the price was nice too! Too much for me! Wheeee!!! =P Then me and Loretta went to Hollywood videos and rented Head over Heals and Rememeber the Titans... I love that movie (Remember the Titans)! Gonna watch it again if I have time heehee =) Talked to Tom for like 5 minutes or so... didn't talk much this weekend....slept kinda late... Sunday was my hw day! yup yup Nothing fun there.... Today! yes yes Today.... very very boring nothing fun..... but hey I saw Tom! =) yay! Greg and Johnny can't stop messing with my stuff in yearbook! They were sticking the yearbook deadline stickers on my binders.. goshies... heehee Welp... After skool.. went to Vannoy to tutor kids... that was pretty fun...But... haha you know how most of us in high school do math problems on our calculators? even the simplest math problems? Well.... this one gurl was doing her multiplications with three digit numbers by pencil and paper (they were required to)..... and out of like I'm guessing 15 she only got 3 right...... I erased the wrong ones for her and told her to do it again... (she said if they get less than a 70% on the paper they gotta do it again) and I figured I'd do it too step by step to help her see what she did wrong and it took me a while hahahaha Whoa... didn't I feel stupid! hahahah Anyhow....Thanks Suse and Angie for taking me!! =) *huggy!* Ooo Mark brought Andrew there! He's the cutest lil' boy!!! Ah! heehee =)