Wednesday, April 30, 2003

Wat a strange day today! =/ Anyhow, I had to get to class at 8 today! You know how much that sucks! Gr... =P But I was late to class anyways. Hahaha It's okies.. Senora Brede doesn't care anyways. =P So we took a test in there and it was bad... Subjunctives.. grr.... hate those! =P Then we had a 20min break which was stupid. Went to the sober grad assembly which was really boring. Watched those narsty films.. X_X But me, Sophie, Suse and Jimbo ended up playing cards for a good chunk of the time. heehee =P Then we had econ.... nothing fun... lunch- peer counseling meeting and chem! Oy...X_X Long day today! After chem, I went to the post office and met up with Val and Sophie at Spassos. Leona was there too! eeEee fun fun! Talked for a while.. called Ken up to see if he was home, but no one picked up! =P Then Val said he's probably sleeping.. we should go wake him up. So, Val and I headed over to Ken's house, rang the doorbell and no one answered. Then we heard some LOUD music haha and concluded he was home... then some singing! LOL And our conclusion was that he had company.. cuz Ken's so quiet he won't sing that loud so that we could heard him outside.... ;) Then when the music stopped for a split sec we rang the door bell again and he opened the door! heehee Asked if he was home by himself and yea then me and Val juss cracked up.. =X heehee We hecka invited ourselves in and intruded LOL But it was fun. Saw some of his baby pics along with Will's... heehee They hecka looked liked twins!!! =O Funnay! Then Val and I played Guess who? The game that Ken claims to be the "master" in... =P Chilled there for about an hour and then headed to badminton. =P Badminton was kinda fun.. last game tomorrow! sad!!! =(

AH!!! Ken is bugging the crap outta me right now! You got things all mixed up mister!

Tuesday, April 29, 2003

OMG! Didn't blog about my mommy! haha She's such a sweetie at times. Makes me feel bad for all the times I've been a horrible daughter! =( But knowing why I didn't have a good day (cuz I called her this morning) she decided to surprise me when she got home today! She bought me roses and very very very nice card. She made me cry! *sniff sniff* Oy... But crying runs in our family. Well at least in our generation, cuz my sisters and I cry easily. That's why me and Lily rate movies by # of tissues its worth! heehee =) Loretta... not so much. But yea.. we cry when we're happy and we cry when we're sad. Its funny at times. heehee =P Juss thought I'd share cuz my mommy's great! And behold! Mother's Day is coming up! ;)
I achieved my goal I gave myself last nite! Go me! =D Ooo heehee U know wat was funny? So last nite I was talking to Tim W on the phone, and I heard a beeping noise indicating a call waiting. However, I wasn't too sure how to switch the lines on my cell, so I didn't bother and continued talking to Tim. Then when we got off, I checked my missed calls, and it was Tim T who called me! haha Funny huh? Tim and Tim! Whoa... LOL

Anyways! My day started off REALLIE bad.... =( But then I checked my e-mail and recieved a reallie nice e-mail from someone which kinda made my day a lil better. =) Got to skool a lil earlier so I could go to the library and get some things done before going to class. Brit Lit was boring. =/ Then we had lunch! Stupid huh? Bah... Sophie and I walked Suse to her car cuz she parked in the Jr lot. =P That silly gurl heehee Sat around her car till class started. Went to physics, which was rather interesting today. I lyke the "Ohm boys" thing/joke. haha I guess its something u had to be there for.. =P And Tim was in class today! Whoa hahaha Lyk the second time he was in class this whole semester! =O Afterwards, went to Studio art, but left early for badminton.

Game against Arroyo today, and WE WON! Wow!!! hahaha That was quite amazing. Lost to them the first time, but we won this time around! =) Judy and I won 17-15 both sets. Scary huh! But we won thanks to Ronald! heehee He was coaching us after the first game.. but that's not it!!!! He bought a new racket.. (the one Will has) and he let me use it today!!! =) He was peeling off the plastic thing on the grip when we were warming up and handed it to me. =D heehee I dunnos but I wouldn't trust someone else with a brand new racket that I haven't even used yet! eeeEeee!!! =D Afterwards, Judy and I went up to the tennis courts to check how the boys tennis were doing since Sophie and Suse were up there as well. After staying there for a few mins, me, Judy and Joe went to Spassos to get drinks. On the way there, we were talking about how azn guys aren't hairy and they're not big and buff. haha Dun remember why we were talking about that but we were. LOL It was Joe's fault! haha =P He's a funny guy. Got bak to the tennis courts and Sophie and Suse left! =P So I juss chilled with Tim =) But the boys won! Good job! But I heard there was a huge conflict with Kevin and the guy he was playing against. Geez.... Ooo and talk about bad sportsmanship! Kevin won his game and he was the last match on. At the end CV did their yell "good luck SL" (for HAAL) and SL yelled "good game CV" and some guy yelled "sucks" at the end reallie reallie loud. Geez... ppls PPLS! Oy...X_X So anyhow, it was around 5:45ish? And I didn't wanna go bak home yet cuz as I said my day wasn't that hot to start off with. Nowhere to go, but bak to the gym! Dragged Tim along with me and went bak to the gym for more badminton (open gym after the game). Judy and I played a game against Cuong and Jason (judy's brother). Jason was hilarious! Him and his tennis skills hahaha =P Then I played a game of mixed with Dan Son. Fun stuff...

Quote of the day:

*Jooho telling us the story of him being a line judge and why he got kicked off being their line judge*

Supposedly Jooho called a ball out, but the guy from SL didn't think it was out.. so he was hecka yelling and stuff

Jooho: That was crazy! I was lyk.. whoa man.. world peace..

hahaha Funnay!

Schedule for tomorrow:
Period 3 8:00-9:55
Break 8:55-9:20
Period 3-Testing 9:25-11:35-Test
(Sober Grad Assembly for seniors during testing)
Period 4 11:40-12:35
Lunch 1:20-2:15
Period 5 1:20-2:15
Period 7 2:20-3:15

Monday, April 28, 2003

Goal for tonite: Getting 10 hrs of sleep! =) YAY! hahahaha

Cheer Bear
You're the Care Bear cheerleader! Your spunky personality and optimisim lifts everyone's spirit. Though you want everyone to be happy, you stand your ground on issues you feel strongly about and this can bring disunity among your friends. Despite this, you are a true believer in working together.

Funny! I got this off Jerry.. =P
Wow... Too many tests today! X_X So anyways, we got our physics test bak today. =( But the class average was a 7.1 out of 15. heehee So I guess I didn't do THAT bad after-all! LOL The spanish test was okies I guess? Then the econ quiz was kinda easy.. but the chem... Oy.. Chem... AH!!! Freak'n 8 problems.. but it was helluv hard! =( Geez... After skool, me, Val and Sophie went to Starbucks for some coffee. Ended up sitting around in my car talking. heehee =) Go us! Went to badminton a lil later.. =P Better than not going! *ahem* Ken*ahem* LOL j/p! =) U have all the right not to go! =P Me and Judy talked alot today! hahaha We talked about EVERYTHING. Tis very fun! Oooo and Christie Petterson came bak today! =) She wanted to come play.. but we had our rankings today. =/ Tis okies though! Cuz Mei said she can play with us friday! =) Woot! Minimum day on friday! OMG! Did I tell you guys how much I HATE this week's schedule! Hella janky! Stupid ppls... grr...Tmr's is okies I guess.. but the rest of the week bites!

Period 3- Testing 8:00-11:15
Seniors arrive @ 11:10
Period 1 11:20-12:20
Lunch 12:20- 1:00
Period 2 1:05-2:05
Period 6 2:10-3:10

Sunday, April 27, 2003

Rather productive day today! Go me! =D So this morning I did some more reading on pride and prejudice..but I think I'm still behind. X_X Oh wellies... working on it still! But I talked to Will on the phone when I got tired of reading. Then when my mommy came bak, I drove us out to Union City and ate Japanese Food... and I got my TapX today! =) Yay! I'm happy now.. heehee Got home and sat around.. called Will... Then I headed up to Suse's house to see her sr ball dress! heehee =D Purty!!! ;) Afterwards, we headed over to Cathy's. Got there right when Ken and Will got there. Took the pics and we had a mini-review of the dances. Me and Ken were trying to teach Suse the waltz...He knows his stuff!!! ;) Fun to dance with.. And me and Adrian were trying to teach the tango. Hahaha Funny! =) He made a funny comment... lol...But yea...Got home..showered..ate.. and Will^2 came so they can head bak to Davis with Loretta. Then I did some more studying! yup yup.. Rather productive day today...=P Ooooo and Thanks to Ken.. I got the song "My Girl" and I've been listening to it forever! heehee =D
Woke up a lil too early today. X_X Man.... but tis okies cuz I had a nice convo with my mommy this morning.

However, now I have a dilemma! Oy.... Wat am I going to do?

Oh wellies....Anyhow, so must to study for today! X_X Let's see... there's an econ quiz... part I of the spanish test... and Ch. 16 of the chem test.. geez...... =P

Saturday, April 26, 2003

eeeEeee (yes I do that alot! =P ) hahaha So anyways, this morning, I stopped by Will's for a while =) And tried to see when Ken would wake up. That boi is hella lazy! =P Got a hilarious phone call from Tim this morning. hahaha ;) Anyhow, after that, I headed up to Cathy's with Ken. It was Suse and Tim's first day today! heehee =) When we got there, they already started another new dance to the song "my girl", so Ken and I had to catch up in lyk 10 mins. It wasn't that bad. Today, Tim was my partner. He's quite hilarious to dance with. =P We were juss dancing... and I guess he didn't get something in the dance.. and when he got it.. he shouted " OMG! I get it now!" and missed the part that came after it. LOL oy...X_X Funny boi. Oh and by looking at Tim, u'd figure he can't carry me but nooo he can... and it was scary and painful cuz he's hella bony! =P Practice was very fun today. Finished learning the new dance to "my girl". It's cute =) After the teacher dude left, Ken and I tried teaching the tango to Suse and Tim... I think I nearly killed Ken again wit my weight hahahaha =P Then Adrian insisted that he try lifting me and concluded that I was "light" oy...X_X Either way, having Suse in the thingy makes it more fun! heehee Someone else to chill with when we have breaks.. =) After the practice, dropped Suse off at her house and Ken at Jerry's... nearly hit his car and it was parked! LOL oy.. hahah Sh.... Key word.. NEARLY! I didn't though... =P Then, I did some hw... but ended up falling asleep on the floor while I was reading "Pride and Prejudice" X_X bad..... its a good book too! =P But I guess I'm juss tired... =P

Tomorrow! Fitting for the dresses at Cathy's @ 3! and pics? =) Fun stuff!

Friday, April 25, 2003

my quote of the day:

*Senior ball talk*
Lizzy: Wait... so who ARE YOU going with Louisa? Quick say the name out loud!
Jimbo: She doesn't need to worry.There's lyk a bunch of them..

hahahaha Funnay! Sooooo not true! But I did say a name out loud! hahaha ;)
Ooooo A new discovery! heehee So, the past 3 days, my mom has been buying some chinese tea thingy that supposedly prevents SARS or watever..and its reallie nasty tasting. Anyhow, I figured if I don't breath.. I can chug it down! So I did that and I realized that I can juss open up my throat pretty much and let the liquid flow... hahaha Pretty amazing! Maybe that's y I won all those milk drinking contests I've had with Lily and Loretta when we were lyk 8. Whoa.... all making sense to me now! =D Its pretty entertaing if you ask me.. but I'm sure its not good for you to do that though. However, I do recall Ms. Wu talking about this one day and it was hilarious! I remember her saying something about those ppls being the ones that stick things down their throats. LOL =) The next thing you know.... I'll be sticking swords down my throat! LOL It was quite a discovery I must say. ;)
GRRRR! Stupid Chem and physics! Pth! =P I stayed up till almost 2 studying for the tests, but I still went in and took the tests feeling like I didn't understand any of it! Geez.... talk about stupididty... =( Welp, its over with, and I've got a long weekend ahead of me piled with work! =( Okies.. that was that..I was kinda surprised I didn't fall alseep in any classes today! wow! I was hecka tired too! X_X Well, I guess its a good thing. Ooo lunch was rather interesting. Sophie and I decided to explore the cafeteria again haha Juss to check out wat they have where. Yup yup! =P

After skool, I went Ms. LePell's to find Lizzy, Kevins, Jimbo and Christie. =) Value was in there taking a test...and I think we were hecka loud hahaha =( Ms. LePell had to move her to another room to take her test. =P Sorries Value! Then we ended up playing one round of "fictionary" with Ms. LePell before leaving. Headed over to Jimbo's where he called Suse up to see if she wanted to go over to his place. We hecka raided his kitchen when we were there... haha Made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches..bagels in Lizzy's case.. yuck! =P And sat around talking... Somewhere in between, Jimbo's brother called him up cuz he needed Jim to pick him up from skool so the three of us busted into his room and stuff =P Suse came eventually and we sat around the kitchen table talking about senior ball and pretty much finalizing plans? Jim and his planning heehee =) Go Jimbo! So anyways, then we decided to watch "sexy beast" but it was on a tape.. and in Jimbo's living room, he has any player but a vcr! WTH! Geez... =P So we didn't end up watching it.. and instead, we whipped out the cards and change ($1 change each) and started playing some 7 card stud games hahaha They were all Jimbo's money cuz none of us had any money/change with us.. =P It was fun... =) I was supposedly winning 7 pennies.. until we played our last game! Gr.......Stupid Kevins started raising it by nickels and stuff.. then Jimbo raised 40 cents!!! I was gonna fold but noooo Lizzy reached in my pot and "saw Jimbo's 40!" gr... that gurl! =P Heehee but Suse was good for not knowing how to play! =P Or so she claims.. hahah ;)

Besides that, my day has been tiring and dull. =( Feel lyk doing something now... *sigh* Wat to do......
Oooo I didn't tell you guys about my experiment today! Anyhow, I got back home after badminton and decided I wanted a carbonated drink. So I went to the fridge and took out a can of 7-up and Coke. I poured a quarter of each in a cup and tried it, and it wasn't carbonated anymore! WTH! Well not AS carbonated at least. Geez... y is that! That got me pretty mad... LOL j/p =P But that was my experiment for today! Ooooo u know wat? My uncle sends pics of our cousin to us almost every other day. My cousin's 5 months old now and he is SOOOOOOOOOO cute! Omg! I can't wait till my uncle takes him bak! =D He's so chubby!!! I'll put some pics up for u guys to see sometime heehee =) He should get cutest baby of the year or something... hahaha Last nite, my uncle sent a pic of my baby cousin with some other ppls baby gurl (my uncle's friend) and he was all leaning on her. Hahahahah So cute!!!! But dang... he's hittin' on gurls even before he's 1! geez.... think about how he'd be when he grows up... LOL J/K!

Thursday, April 24, 2003

Public apology.. Sorries Chizzle... =(

I got him mad at badminton today...=/
Not having a reallie good day today.. but eh...and my bak is seriously gonna kill me! Gr.....So yesterday nite, I had nothing to do and I didn't wanna go to bed... so I took out the "glide master" and decided to work my abs and boi was that a bad idea! X_X Got up this morning and both my abs and bak hurted...bleh.... stupid me. So we had an in-class essay test on Frankenstein today and that sucked. =( but that's okies... then econ was kinda stupid.. that class talks WAY too much... geez... and we filled out the graduation surveys. Kinda funny.. the them "Strike three-We're out" cracked me up.. cute but weird and funny at the same time hahaha After skool, I went to baskin robins with Sophie and Suse and got some ice-cream before going bak to badminton. Badminton was quite janky today.. we went there and ran for 15mins.. then sat around for 10 mins... and finally played for 15mins before volleyball ppls came in cuz they had a game today. Talk about bad communication! Geez....

Quote of the day:

*Ms. Wu kicking randomly*

So lyk this skirt is so cool cuz when I kick, it comes right bak at me. Look! *kicks*

hahahahah She's hilarious....=P



Wednesday, April 23, 2003

So I'm only on pg 15 of Pride and Prejudice.. but as I'm reading.. I come across the names Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth... it juss reminded me of the convo we had yesterday.. And thanks to KEN... I know the freak'n ending now! Geez!!! That boi! GRRRRRR
Woke up a lil too early today..=P So Felicia called me to see if I wanted to go to breakfast at 8:45. REALLIE early yo! But yea... and I found out it was only gonna be Me, Ken, Lance and Felicia. Somehow that group looks funny there. LOL And I didn't wanna disturb her having quality time with Lance so I decided not to go. Ended up going bak to bed but couldn't reallie sleep. Got up around some Pride and Prejudice and got online to chat with some ppls while I talked to Will on the phone. =D Talked for a good half an hour before he had to go to class. So, I talked to Suse the whole morning online. heehee Fun =) Around 11, I called Ken to give him a wake-up call but he didn't pick up! =P Then he got online half an hour later and said he thought it was his mom calling so he didn't bother picking up. Geez... =P So anyhow, Sophie called me a lil later and we decided to go to Starbucks before going to skool. I left the house to get some gas and met up wit her at Starbucks where I picked up a drink for Ken as well...picked him up and off I went to skool. I was hella late already, but I decided to try for the senior lot anyways and behold! I got one of the two parking spaces left at the end of the senior lot! hahahahah go me! =D Classes were kinda a waste of time....but yea... badminton was SUPER tiring today....2hrs of non-stop training... geez...Steven was making me and Judy work like crazy. Heard Judy got yelled at yesterday after our match..=/ Thank goodness I sat up on the bleachers with Ken, Val and Charles haha But yea.. now my lower bak hurts soooo much... imma die... X_X So apparently my hair amuses Leona and Tim hahaha Weirdos...

Tuesday, April 22, 2003

Schedule for tomorrow:

Seniors arrive at 12:55
Period 3-Testing
Lunch 12:20-1:00
Period 3 1:05-2:05
Period 5 2:10-3:10
StrikeoutK: it's more like 13-14 years old
StrikeoutK: not 16
StrikeoutK: puahaha
aznprincess0003: oy..X_X jerry speaking from experience I'm assuming?
aznprincess0003: ;-)
StrikeoutK: hold up let me count the years with my fingers
aznprincess0003: hahahahahahhaa
StrikeoutK: actually i want to say like 12
StrikeoutK: but 13-14 is good
aznprincess0003: hahahahahaha o my

Jerry's one experienced man...
Welp.... we lost to Tennyson AGAIN 7-8! WTH! Gr.... that actually reallie pisses me of... but eh.....=P

So, today was rather interesting. =) I ended up going to AJ's house where Ben, Jay and Kevin were already watching Jackass, and by the time I got there, they were done with the movie! How early did these ppls get up? geez.... so called up Felicia and she came over with Lance and we stuck 8 mile in. I wasn't reallie watching cuz I ended up cooking for them ppls. Can you believe that? Felicia and I cut up the onions etc and I made 2 big omlettes so they shared half half each. =P AND I left Jhermaine a lil note..=P Interesting enough. Got to skool slightly earlier than I planned to juss so I can get parking in the senior lot. Ended up watching those break dancers in the mat room with Lisa before heading to physics. Didn't do much there... went to studio art for 5 mins and off I went to badminton. Quite an easy day I must day. =D We waited hella long outside their gym! But we had some interesting convos going on between Me, Judy, Charles, Ken and JB. Best part was watching Ken flex his right arm.. then his left. hahah That guy is hella buff! Well his right arm is... LOL and his left arm... let's not talk about that. hahahaha ;) j/p! But yea...Then after we were done playing, me, Ken, Value and Charles sat around talking about reallie interesting subjects. Its amazing what you find out. =) hahah Oy.. surprising I tell ya! X_X But it was sooooo fun...=D Then on the bus ride bak... Value and I were asking guys this one particular question. It all started with Ken and Charles.=P But we ended up asking a few guys on the bus about it and it was hilarious! hahaha Ken and Charles hecka lied! It was hilarious.. Ken was all lyk.. "Wat? naw...." *cracks up* He's sooo bad at lying in person...=P But I must say.. Jimbo's the only honest guy. hahaha His answer was great. =P

Quotes of the day (from convos in badminton):

"Why are all asian gurls flat?"

That is soooo not true!

*Give Chizzle the pic he said he wanted*
Chizzle: Wow! You have that figure 8 that ppls in anime always draw
Jim: Nooo anime ppls have lyk a 2 inch waist

haha sooo true!

"Jerry doesn't have the right to call anyone gay!"

LOL Y were we talking about Jerry? I don't even remember....

"Ken.. u're handsome in a gay way"

Whoa there....
There's only a certain amount of hours I can sleep before I reach the stage of over-sleeping. Once I over sleep, I wake up, and I'm even more tired than if I didn't sleep. Gee...X_X But yea... I've been up since 9 and I looked at some phsyics in bed... and that mde me sleepy again so I decided I'd get up. Then Lizzy gave me a wake-up call to go to Carrows. Was suppose to be there by now but newp. They're leaving soon. Talked to Will on the phone this morning. Way to start a morning eh? =) So let's see wat imma go do now...

Monday, April 21, 2003

Yes I would lyk to draw Loretta's attention to my links... =P Ooo look at that! Look where u stand on my list of links! =P

Here's the story...
Loretta: I put u on top of my list! I should be on top of urs!
Me: *check* OMG! Watever! I'm 3rd from the bottom! Geez....AND I HAD you placed on my top 10! But after I saw ur links... u're going DOWN!


Oo check this out u guys... Schedule for tomorrow..

Period 3-Testing (For 9th, 10th and 11th grade only)
8:00-8:25- Students arrive/breakfast
8:30-12:10- Testing

Lunch 12:10-12:50
Seniors arrive @ 12:45
Period 2 12:55-1:55
Period 6 2:00-3:00

Oh baby! Look at that! Woot! ;) But being crazy like we are... brunch at 9:30 till 12? Geez... that's hella hours! I dunnnos about that one... =P
hahahaha I juss checked my voice msg and Loretta is hilarious! That silly gurl called me for advice on a certain subject..hahahaha OMG! Crazy sisters... Lily does that too hahaha My goodiness!
Eeeeee I had a wonderful day today! Whoohoo! Classes were so short we didn't really have time to do anything. =P But Brit Lit, in class essay thursday... and two test on friday! AH!!! Chem and physics! Gosh darn it... Shoot me! X_X *sigh* So anyhow, I was done with skool at 11:30 so Sophie and I went out to the Chinese place across next to Round Table to eat. Btw, I swear the owner is different cuz I remember the symbol or animal or watever was a CHICKEN! But now its an ugly PIG! =P I notice these things ya know... =P So bak home and talked to Will on the phone for a little over an hour.. =D Fun Fun! Then I decided I was gonna get my lazy butt over to badminton in hopes that the earlier I go.. the earlier I can leave. But Oh was I wrong! X_X I ended up having 3.5 hrs of non-stop badminton! Whoa there.... my arms and legs are dead tired right now....But it was kinda funny cuz Mei said she text msged me but I didn't get it. heehee =P Anyhow, I played two games with Tim when I got there. One against Cuong and Bo.. then one against Kyle and George..We won both! Go us! =) Then when Judy came I played with her against Ben and AJ and one against Jay and Kevin. Stupid 3-setters... grr.... pain x 10000. Mei, Ronald and Steven were supposedly "training" ppls today. X_X Oy....So tired.... I'll probably be twitching the whole nite hahaha But it was kinda funny... like Steven told me and Judy if we clear.. yell out "clear!" so our partner can hear us. And when I do that, it reminds me of like ppls in the hospital when they go something like "360! Clear!" when the patients bp is gone or something like that. hahahaha Oy.. too much Chinese Soaps for me!

Quote of the day (regarding an earlier post)

Were u talking about *** in that post and his senior ball date?

hahah I dunnos was I? o_O
Wow.. juss checked mah e-mail!

Badminton Practice at 1:30 today ppls!

Get going if u're not there already! LOL =P But she's not taking role until 3:30 =)

Sunday, April 20, 2003


Wow...nothing to do tonite! =( Sad....welp looking forward to this week's schedule.. here's tomorrows for all u guys that don't have it ;)

Period 1 7:55-8:25
Period 2 8:30-9:00
Period 3 9:05-9:35
Period 4 9:40-10:10
Break 10:10-10:20
Period 5 10:25-10:55
Period 6 11:00-11:30 (I'm done for the day! Weeeeeeee) =D
Period 7 11:35-12:05
Lunch 12:05-12:35

Okies... Imma go read pride and prejudice until I fall asleep now... Sorries for leaving a few of u guys online w/o saying anything.. nite ppls!
Dang it! I soooooo called that one! =P I was hoping I'd be wrong though... Dang it! "Being nice gets u nowhere" hahah I learned my lesson from Suse! Point proven...;)
Wat a productive day..=P Ewwww So I was finished with all my hw for break already, but I figured I can do some studying since I have like 10 tests coming up the next 2 weeks. So yea, I looked at the chem book to try and figure out how to do the buffers. Bleh....But it was fun cuz Loretta and I brought all our work downstairs to the living room and sat around the little table to do hw while we listened to music. Then I eventually lied down and spread my books on the floor while I worked. Fun stuff...=P Welp, bak to skool I go tomorrow. How sad... =( But it was a rather fun break I must say. I juss didn't get to kick it with my mui (Value). =/ *sigh* Oh wellies...but yea I saw Will for like 5 mins today... haha interesting... but hey.. gotta say Nick.. I'm very happy for u! =D

Quote of the day:

oh where oh where has my weasel gone... oh where oh where could she beeeeeeee? With her sexay toy hair and her laughing heart... oh where oh where could she be? - Value


*Jade's song is playing... the cell phone rings in the song*
Loretta freaks out and asks
OMG! Where's my phone!
THinking it was her's... LOL

Tim T: Thanks for the msg at 4:45am! Glad u know u're crazy and weird too! =P

Saturday, April 19, 2003

Miss Teen Chinatown 2003 is tonite! I don't think it ended juss yet... =P but anyhow... Good Luck my fruity friend! ;) Much luv!
Dang... the vibration on mah phone is hella good...Interesting..
My eyes are soo tired for some reason. X_X Oy... Welp imma watch some Karekano then head off to bed...

Anyhow, this morning was rather interesting I guess? yup yup... went to open gym with Ken, Charles and Will. Played a game against my uncle and Will. Got home, showered, ate and headed off to Century 25 to watch bulletproof monk. The movie was funny, but it wasn't REALLY good. Went to Miliptas for dinner and came bak to Safeways so Loretta could stock up on some stuff, and bumped into Micol and Charlene there. Eh... don't reallie feel like blogging right now, check again tmr!

Friday, April 18, 2003

Oy....X_X Way too much singing for one nite....=P Think imma loose my voice tmr! AH!!!! heeheeh oh wellies... Anyhow, I'm actually gonna go to open gym tomorrow! So I'll see u guys there if u guys go! =D

Chizzle: Told ya there's not party w/o u! *sigh* =P
Spring break is coming to an end...=( *sigh* So sad.....But today was very fun! Got up this morning and talked to a bunch of ppls on the phone before heading to the bbq.. Thanks Kevins... =) So when we got there... ate some food and chatted with ppls... then watched those funny ppls play volleyball... Sophie came! =) Heehee Bbq's are always fun! It's nice spending time with friends.. and of course before I left, I had my biking experience with Albert, Lizzy and Sophie.. hahaha Sophie said she'd catch me if I tilt but she didn't! And neither did Albert! =P meanies!!!!! but I NEARLY ran into those ducks hahaha Oy....X_X Long story... Then I left around 1... got to SF and bumped into Collin's parents.. (they're so nice.. =) and then headed over to Davis with my mommy to pick Loretta and Will up. =) Went to TapX before heading bak home...yup yup! Stupid Ken's going out.. so the party at Ken's cancelled... that sucker!

Quote of the day:

*me starting the bike*
Albert: OMG! 1/2 a cycle!
*brake.. get bak on the bike and start again*
Albert: wow! 2 cycles! omg!
*brake.. crack up and go again*
Albert: Improvement... she from there to here! That's pretty good...

hahahahah OMG! No one is ever gonna see me on a bike until I master that sucker.. hahaha Lizzy, Albert, and Sophie were lucky to see me make a fool outta myself.. =P Only close friends can see that.. haha It was quite hilarious today...=P Way to embarass myself! ;)
HAHAHAHA Funny... no one knows wats going on with the bbq... LOL But yea its still going on.. Thanks to Tim T for finding out..;) He called me this morning to ask me.. and I didn't know so I gave him coach's # and made him call her.. LOL Go me! Got someone else to "do the dirty work" =D if it rains... party at Mei's (coach) house haha so no worries... =P Anyhow... I'm done hounding Tim W on the phone about the bbq... =P so I'll be heading out soon...c u guys there!

Thursday, April 17, 2003

I'm tired...*yawn* Off to bed I go soon... b ut Chizzl's ditching me tomorrow! =P And Ken's not gonna be home when there's a party at his house? Wt! =P Oh wellies... juss wanna say thankies to Kwokie for helping me out so much tonite! =)
Oy.... spring break and I wake up at 6:45... wat am I thinking? haha j/p! =) This morning, I went to Davis with Suse and her mommy. Thanks for taking me there babe! =D So we left around 7:30 and got there juss in time for the 9 something session. Called Loretta up after we were done to see if she could show us around campus. Drove to her dorm.. looked at her room again hahah I look at it everytime I go there... looked at her suitemate's room and then Felicia called cuz she was at Davis too with her mom and Lance... and they wanted to see the dorms as well, therefore we were all crowded around Loretta's suite... Eventually, we all headed out to check out the campus, walked around for a bit... then grabbed some food and went bak to the visitor's center for the other session. It was nice cuz we saw Edwin, Alex and Misa there as well. =) While we were walking, Wiz and Jeff called to see where we were. Jeff owes me a smoothie! ;) But yea didn't end up seeing any of them....=( Sorries guys...It was funny though.. cuz Suse and I were walking.. and we're lyk let's call Jeff.. so we called, and his line was busy! Then Loretta's celly rings and its Jeff looking for me! hahahahahaha Funny...Afterwards, we left and Suse's mommy took us to Nut Tree.. so we looked around for a while... headed bak and got home around 4:45? More sr ball talking on the way bak... fun fun! heehee And we came up with the weirdest idea cuz we saw something we HAD to buy... can't tell u guys.. IF u guys are lucky enough to go with "our group" to sr ball.. then u'll actually SEE it hahaha ;) Go us! *high five Suse* heehee

Wednesday, April 16, 2003

NEVERNEV Er: haven't see u for a long ass time
Me: haha
Me: um...u can see my sr pics..rather updated
NEVERNEV Er: yeayea
NEVERNEV Er: u looking better and better...
Me: noooooo

aiyah....looks doesn't mean anything ppls...but its funny how ppls think I changed so much in 3 yrs (in this case) when I reallie didn't...=/
Its weds! AH!!! Dang... spring break is almost over! =( So sad..... Welp, today.. I went out to lunch with Sophie and Suse today! yay! We went out for japanese food and TapX..came bak and went to there and played 2 1/2 hrs with Ronald, Steven and Judy.. fair eh? two coaches against us two.. =P But eventually they split up and yea... after every point pretty much, they told us what we should've done and wat we did wrong etc... it was a good learning experience... yup yup yup! Fun indeed..I baked a rum cake today! Its uber good ;) haha And I talked to Lily's friend Allen... reallie funny guy I must say. haha =)
Lily: Ok.. go look at my stupid profile...
Me: Finally...

Lily's profile:
My sister told me that I am a boring grad student because I don't have a profile. Hmmmm.

My rebuttal: "I'm not boring because I don't have a profile. I'm just a busy student who has better things to do than to tell everyone about myself."

Oh wait, I just set up a profile so did I just rebut my rebuttal?

Me: dang how boring can u get!
Lily: hahaha
Me: its black and white
Me: geez
Me: color ppls
Lily: it's just to stuff your mouth
Me: hahahahahaha
Me: not working!
Lily: in law, there is only black and white
Me: oooo OUCH!
Me: Good come bak... =P
Lily: Of course, I'm a lawyer in training...
Me: That shut me up =X haha But I will be soon enough! ;) Watch out!
Dang it! Woke up at 9:15 today! Wwwwwaaaaaaayyyyyyy too early! Gr........ =P

One a side-note: Yay! Chizzle visits mah blog! ;)
hm.. am I making a mistake? =/

Good question...something 4 me to think about! thanx! =)

Tuesday, April 15, 2003

Heehee So despite the fact that I'm restricted in a way by my mom, I had a lot of fun staying juss in CV today. =) GO me! haha So Sophie called me around 11 and we talked on the phone for two hours! hahahah Weee that was very funny. The things we talk about... ;) Then we ate and called up Suse to see if she wanted to go out for drinks, but she was still in Oakland... =/ So the two of us went to Spasso where we bumped into Val and her friend... =) Eeee that lil party animal.. heehee So Sophie and I sat there for 3 hours juss talking about EVERYTHING... we literally talked about everything... haha It was very fun! =D We should do that more often! heehee It's not anything like wowie but it was very fun. So basically, I talked to Sophie for straight up 5 hours today! =) Wow! Hahaha And there was so much laughing going on that my cheeks were hurting and my knees hurt after sitting there for so long hahaha Then I got to badminton around 5:30? played till 7 with Judy, Mei and Cuong... reallie tiring.. but I must say that was a very fun and long match... hahah It was hilarious....Ooooo and Thanks Tim T for bringing me a cookie and not eating all of them! =P
I'm honeydew bubble tea!
Click here to take the test!

Congratulations, you sweetheart. You enjoy wild popularity because of your sweetness and your caring nature. Selfless and sensitive, you care deeply about others and you worry sometimes about what others think about you. But people everywhere love you, so that's okay.

I don't even drink honeydew.. =P But I don't think this is true.. bleh X_X I snatched this off Wiz's site... haha =D

Monday, April 14, 2003

Conclusion for tonite... Party at Ken's on friday! ;)

LOL j/p He's probably juss messin'.. that lil liar...=P
Heehee So...after seeing something I figured "wow! Ken has good taste in music" but after talking to him earlier tonite.. I found out..Ken has REAAALLLIIIEEEE good taste in music! hahah ;)

BTW.....Saxaphone = Saxxy!

I added some more links to the side so check them out! heehee ;) All those crazy xanga users....
Dang... So i was suppose to go out to dinner with Lizzy and them but er..... =( Sorries ladee! =/

Today was basically a hw day for me... got a lotta of chem done today though... X_X Welp, in the afternoon Tim W. came over to pick up something. =P Very interesting how he chose to wear his hood haha So yea.. the whole day Tim W and Tim T pretty much entertained me online... and Tim T called haha =) Thankies! I talked to my Sophie for a while too! =) Ooooo and Today I was eating "Marie Buscuits" (which are sooooooooo good!) and I remembered Loretta! hahaha We had an interesting experience with these cookies... so I called her up juss to tell her hahahahaha =D Aren't I nice?

Tis a boring day...*sigh*
Auto response from sumptim wong: [to the wizard of oz]

o/' o/' im off to get a cookie, and a rum cake at the weasel's house.. la lala lala lala the wonderful weeeeasel's house.. o/' o/'

ahahahahahahahahah That's hilarious! Wat a funny boi! ;)

Sunday, April 13, 2003

We shall have practice/open gym next week starting at 2:30 pm 6:30 pm.

In order to play all I required of you is to run for 5 minutes.

There will be a regular $2 fee per day.

haahaa 5mins of running or $2 fee? hm.....I think I'd choose the fee! hahaha j/p! =P Need the running anyways... IF I go that is....
Did i mention? fried ice cream is rrrreeeeaaallllllliiiiiieeee good! I want one now! =P
LLLLLOOOOONNNNNNGGGGG relaxing day! Started off the morning nice...=D Got home and went out to milpitas for lunch with my mommy... good stuff... Then we went to Great Mall to look at some more dresses... went to Group USA.. They had hecka dresses there... but all the sizes run big.. =/ So I didn't find anything. Oh wellies.... walked around and bought some stuff for my sisters... and yea... That took up the whole day pretty much... so we went to Chili's for dinner before heading home...

I found Dave and Busters! Score! =)

Saturday, April 12, 2003

Dang... my eyes are soooo tired... X_X It's okies though cuz I'll be sleeping soon enough after I give Tim a call at midnite! LOL =P Yes indeed... maybe I'll go do a lil hw now and make my eyes even more tired! Then I can sleep in tmr... =) Good plan! Good plan! LOL
Auto response from gamja jjang: waiting for clothes to dry, then... yeah. Sophia/Louisa, go buy the tickets!

hahahahah Oy.....X_X
I swear imma kick someone! Gr........ Karekano's not working! AH!!!!! =( Its okies... Imma go buy their stupid book instead! Gr!!!!!!!!!

Heehee Last nite... I checked my msgs on my phone and I had two msgs.. one from Tim and one from Timmy hahahaha I thought that was funny! =P Their msgs were funny too..=P Tone of voice etc.. haha Wat a way to end the nite...

I did absolutely nothing today! My goodiness! Talk about laziness... oy..X_X But I got my butt up early to go to Cathy's on time! Whoohoo! Go me! ;) We pretty much did the waltz the whole time today... it was fun though cuz it seems like almost everyone there got their parts down! ;) Wow! AND the waltz is finally finished! hahaha Yes yes....

Charles... u're one funny boi! ;)

Friday, April 11, 2003

Yes indeed spring break has begun! heehee =) The fact that today was the last day before spring break, and the fact that its a friday.... everyone was pretty much out of it. =P But its all good... hahaha Quite a few ppls started their spring break earlier...Um... ooOoo so we had a guest speaker in econ today... and Ms. Wu told us we could cut her class today cuz of that... but we didn't... cuz we're good kids! ;) LOL But yea... that guy was like 22? And he was telling us about how it is living on our own. Interesting....=P After skool... went to drop off some stuff and saw Will! =) haha Then in badminton, I played a singles game.. and Mei was actually happy I scored a two digit score off Kevins! LOL ;) And I played some doubles with Felicia...afterwards... me, Felicia and Tim went to Spassos to get drinks... yup yup yup!

Quote of the day:

(In cantonese)
Steven: Wah... nei jerk ngow jai foo da ah?
Me: nooooo che dow ah... mei wun sam..
*I pick up my pace*
Steven: Ha... nei pet pet dow gay dai wor
Me: Wa! Nei mong mut yeh ah!
Steven: O Sorrie... ng mong lo...

aiyah! =P

*After looking at the Charity Ball pic*
Flora: Wow Louisa, you hid ur slit pretty well!

heehee Y thank u! I was very happy when I saw the pic too! =) Cept u gurls had so much room over on the other side and no one moved! =P

Thursday, April 10, 2003

1more day!!! Can't wait! =) So... hrm.... eh.... heehee Can't recall anything interesting in any of my classes today... cept we did take a test in econ. It was rather hard in my opinion... =/ AND the thing that bugs me the most is that I SHOULD know this stuff about stocks.. bonds.. mutual funds etc cuz my mom IS a financial executive.. but I don't! X_X Wat a disgrace! haha J/p I know some of the stuff but not all... =/ er.... that's okay though cuz I got a good excuse y I don't know this stuff... but u gotta ask me in person cuz it only makes sense if I say it in chinese.. haha =P Anyhow, Lizzy drove me and Kevins to Hayward High today. =) Heehee Fun stuff! We figured we were too early so we concluded that we wanted some ice cream on this freak'n janky weather day... so Lizzy drove us to some ice-cream place in hayward! haha I love that place! Its so cute and funny.... Half of that place is a pharmacy and the other half is the ice cream place decorated like those old 70s? restaurants with the booths and cool turny stools etc.... that half of the place was nice... We went there for the atmosphere! hahaha ;) but the pharmacy part... eh... =P I stuck a quarter in the jukebox thing to play two songs! yay! We sat and ate till the songs were done so I wouldn't waste my quarter on the songs hahahah Go us! Got to Hayward High and played our game.. Neither of my partners (Judy or Rachel) were here today, so I played with Lisa. Stood around and chatted with ppls.. watched Tim's game against Jason.. and hey! U did a good job mister! =) Then chatted some more with Mei.. she's hilarious! hahaha Coach or not.. she doesn't act like one around us... =P Funny ladee... Somehow a bunch of us gathered around a corner and the guys were showing off their pull-up skillz along with their one-handed psh-ups. hahah It was great watching Lizzy attempt those and collapse heehee ;) So pretty much everyone can do it cept Kevins... and Kevins wouldn't give up so he did it again! He found a way to do his pull-ups that made him look like he was humping the wall.... oy...X_X It was hilarious though! LOL Then we departed. This time Jim joined in our car-ride bak and the seating was exactly the same as that day we went to Moreau.. once again I was attacked by that banana! He strangled me... tickled me.. and hit my head with his empty bottle non-stop... geez..=P


Quote of the day:

Jb: Louisa! Let's box!
Me: Nuh uh! U'd kill me!
Jb: No I won't! C'mon
Me: No!
Jay: I put my money ($2) on Louisa!
Me: Wat?!?!?! hahaha Y thank u?
Jay: Jb won't hit a gurl...
Me: O psh...So wat if he does huh?
Jay: Oh well... then I'll loose two dollars..

Geez!!!!! Thanks Jay.. =P Crazy ppls....Then Jay was talking about having me box other ppls and he'd still put his money on me... um thanks?! =/ haha Oy.......

Wednesday, April 09, 2003

CV INVASION! hahaha So after skool today a bunch of us headed out to lunch. Originally it was suppose to be me, Suse, Sophie, Value, Jimbo, Kevins, and Lizzy. But then while we were waiting around we asked Tim to join so him and JB came along.... we went over to Union City and had Pho... bumped into Ivan, Ben and their crew there... Trenders! LOL j/p ;) Got some funny convos circling around and stuff.. then after we ate... we went to TapX and bumped into Xi, Michelle, Lisa and Spencer there... hahaha That was hilarious... got our drinks and all of us sat around... while Ivan and his crew came over later on.. got their drinks and sat around... hahah go us! =) Good stuff... The ride bak to CV was hilarious... Sophie and Lizzy were pretty much racing.. but Lizzy's car load (her, Kevins and Jimbo) was rude! When they were ahead... JImbo was spitting the pearls at us.. and all 3 of them flipped us off! Geez..... and Jimbo gave us the looser sign... then they lost us cuz of a stop light... but eventually we met up again cuz Lizzy's helluv slow! hahaha and We made fun of them! That was fun hahaha Lizzy's lil hand gesture we learned... LOL u nasty lil girl! =P Anyhow.... got to badminton and everything was like bleh.... dun wanna blog about it but yea... I left early cuz I sat there till 5:05 w/o hitting the birdie.. so I left cuz I had better things to do than sit around in the gym... got home.. oy...X_X No comment... Ooo but I talked to Chizzle online! Lyk whoa... hahaha and me and Suse... We're good! ;) GO US!

Oooo tutorial was soooo funny today... nearly got a stomach-ache laughing! hahaha =) So we were "making some senior ball plans" and we came up with the funniest ways to get there! haha No limo for us! Its all about mopeds.. scooters... motorcycles with the lil car things attached to the side... bikes.. carriages..double-decker buses and u-hauls! hahahaha I suggested we get a u-haul and when they open the bak.. we all jump out! hahaha ;) Then Lizzy said the double-decker bus would be better cuz we can tour around the city and have our own parade waving on that bus hahahahaha Oh my... but of course... Sophie's idea was the best! I couldn't stop laughing... brilliant I tell ya! ;) Juss brilliant!

Tuesday, April 08, 2003

OMG! This is hilarious! Imma learn... ;)

Ever wonder about those people who say they are giving more than 100%? We have all been to those meetings where someone wants over 100%. How about achieving 103%? Here's a little math that might prove helpful. What makes life 100%?
If: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
is represented as: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26.
8 1 18 4 23 15 18 11 = 98%
11 14 15 23 12 5 4 7 5 = 96%


1 20 20 9 20 21 4 5 = 100%

2 21 12 12 19 8 9 20 = 103%

So, it stands to reason that hard work and knowledge will get you close, attitude will get you there, and bullshit will put you over the top. But, look how far ass kissing will take you.

1 19 19 11 9 19 19 9 14 7 = 118%
So the next time someone asks you to give more than 100%, you know what is required of you.

Gotta luv this!
IT'S RATHER SHOCKING! =O Anyways, I got up early today! Early enough to get senior parking... hahah ;) Go me! So anyways, physics wasn't too fun....=/ Then in econ we watched Roger and Me.. there was a helluv nasty part where the girl chops off a bunny's head... hangs it on a tree and skins it... AH!!!!! I didn't watch it cuz 1) I use to have a bunny 2) I luv bunnies 3) That's juss flat out nasty! Yucky!!! And at the end, she was like "I wanna be a vet" wth!?!?! My goodiness.... But Sophie and I were passing notes the whole day today cuz we were so bored hahaha Bad..... =P But *shrug* Then during lunch, hung w/ Lizzy, Kevins, Albert and Jialiang...haha Kevins was pushing me around on Ms. Wu's rolly chair! =) Funny... Its nice he didn't push me out the door.... =P hahaha And I arm-wrestled Lizzy!!! She's strong! whoa... hahaha But Kevins made me laugh! He was like "wow! Look at those muscles" and I kinda juss died... LOL Um... then badminton... yea.. so Lizzy drove me, Kevins and Jimbo to Moreau today haha =) y? U'll see! Read on! hahaha =P Our car ride there was rather interesting... Jimbo was practicing his "fisting" when I was sitting in the front... very annoying...then he tried to strangle me and stuff... oy...X_X Horrible! So we got there and played our game... didn't do too well.. but its all good! Steven gave me a lecture today though =( But its for my own good heehee =D And he gave me his nifty "sports sunglasses" so I was mocking him with his sunglasses... go me! =) Ooo and I saw Steph and Hilda again (from Moreau) that was nice.... Old CCS ppls... =) Got a call from Mr. Will Yan.. but he hung up on me... *sigh* So when we were done with our games...the four of us drove off to TapX! Woot! ;) Car ride there... Jimbo sat in the front... revenge! So Kevins helped me and we were strangling Jimbo and Kevins was tickling him.. muhahahah That was funny... and since Jimbo was sitting in the front, we expected him to lead Lizzy telling her where to go... but nooooooo He was like "I'll tell u when u pass it" And when we got there... I said make a right like 5 times but she didn't hear me! Then when we passed it, Jim was like we passed it and starts laughing... geez... ppls! Listen! hahaha So we got our tea and chicken and headed bak to skool cuz there was "extra practice" or watever... but its cuz my car was there and I promised Charles I'd get him a drink... so we got bak and I gave Charles his drink and headed home... hahaha Fun stuff... on our way bak... more Senior Ball talk! Wow! =) Funny funny....

Quote of the day:

Me: I swear, Jimbo's a banana! He's so white! Look at him!
Kevins: Yea... he's like a banana covered in chalk...

hahahahhaa Rrriiiigggggghhhhhttttt That made sense... =P

*Me and Jimbo fighting (literally) in the back....*
JImbo: Man.... I juss got owned by a gurl!

Score! =D

Me: U know Suse luvs me more... she'd choose me over u any day!
Jimbo: nuh uh!
Me: U know it! Here we can ask her tomorrow... if both of us fell in the ocean.. who would she save first? (The question all guys dread LOL)
Jimbo: Fine then! If she says you... I'm not going to lunch with u guys tomorrow!

hahahahahahah O that was great.....

Monday, April 07, 2003

Anyhow.... stupid daylight savings made me helluv tired in class today... X_X So nothing special in any of my classes today... a lot of jr. prom talk though. Heard there were a lot of freak'n and lap dancin'... some stories were helluv surprising.. but dang... tone it down yo! =P Ooo I picked up my senior t-shirt today! It didn't look good on the table.. but after I got it... it was pretty nice hahaha ;) After skool, Sophie, me and Val went to Spasso to get drinks.. we talked foreva! Didn't wanna go to badminton cuz of all the fun we were having hahaha And Val! I never approved of that scandelous dress ladee! =P Heehee But u looked reallie pretty! My sissy's growing up! *sniff* heehee j/p! U looked good ;) And from wat I've heard.. props to Spencer! Suave! ;) BUT they helluv freaked me out though! Now I'm not gonna do wat I wanted to cuz they were like "but wat if..." oy...X_X Horrible! meanies I tell ya! So me and Val were late to badminton hahaha But that okies...And during the run.. I had a deep convo with Charles... He's mah boi! So nice... Then when we started "practicing", Me, Val and Judy were having a "gurl-talk" for like 15 mins waiting for courts hahaha Fun stuff...Played some mixed with Jb.. scored 1pt off Coach Mei and Ronald (the other coach) hahaha X_X And when we played Ken.. he was hella trying to hit me... geez... scariness..=( Got home and atlked with some peeps...Got some good advice from Kwokie...and had a nice long convo with Ken... surprising eh?

Quote of the day:

Value: You have hecka soft, silky, straight hair... Toy hair!

haha She's so cute!

Ooooooo AND of course!

Charles Choi for ASB VP!!!
Jooho Lee for ASB Treasurer!!!!

Dang it!

Sunday, April 06, 2003

Rather uneventful day today... got up this morning and went to lunch with Felicia and her mommy at Willow Tree. I saw her sr ball dress and her jewelry that she bought with it...nniiccee... =) Then I got home and didn't do much...=/ Got some surprising phone calls today and had some interesting convos... but eh...

*shrug* Wat can I say?

Quote of the moment:

i RuN fAsTeRxx: thanks
aznprincess0003: ?
i RuN fAsTeRxx: for coming out to see me
aznprincess0003: ooo nmp
aznprincess0003: u look the same
i RuN fAsTeRxx: and god damn ur lookin good
aznprincess0003: uh no
i RuN fAsTeRxx: yeah havent changed much =D
i RuN fAsTeRxx: but yeah just wanted to say god damn you looked good

Yes... I haven't seen that guy for years and he still looks the same! =D

Saturday, April 05, 2003



I was too lazy to blog yesterday... hahaha Anyhow, nothings reallie special yesterday...cept um econ was very frustrating! gr....Ppls in there make no sense! Geez... we had a discussion on the supreme court case of University of Michigan...and was bad...." Well if my mom was a computer person and my dad was a doctor, I'd be hella smart too cuz its in my genes." WTH? Sorries but its NOT in u're genes if u're smart of not... and their arguments about the less fortunate and minorities reallie got on my nerves. And.... yea... After skool....=D

This morning I got up and swung by Will's to get something. Thankies! =D Ooooo and thanks for Feel 100 II =) I have something else to watch after Karekano! heehee =) But yes indeed... a great way to start off the morning...Think someone got a lil annoyed at me today though haha Oh wellies! =P And at Cathy's... we did more cha-cha, tango and waltz... fun stuff! I look forward to it every weekend! heehee =)

Quote of the day:

Kin: She (me) leads me...

Geez... in ballroom dancing the guys lead the girls! Not the other way around...grrrrb =P

Thursday, April 03, 2003

OMG!!!!!! I GOT THE WHOLE KAREKANO FROM LIZZY TODAY!!!!!!!!! WOOT! LIZZY U ARE MY HEROINE! =D HAHAHAHA THANKS A BUNCH LADY!!!!!! And thanks for the msg on my celly... hahah it was um.... interesting... LOL ;)
WOW! Looking at the STAR testing schedule makes me happy! =) Breakfast out everyday guys! ;) Any takers? LOL Let's see where our "spontaneous-ness" is gonna take us (Sophie and Suse) hahah Op! And a form for Sober grad cruise... ;) Hm... I dunnos about that one though....
Long but rather interesting day today. =) I got to skool at 7:20 today and hecka rushed my butt outta the jr lot... but when I was coming down, the bak of the senior lot was freak'n empty! Got me soooo mad... gr.......Anyhow, I nearly fell asleep in Brit Lit today! AH!!! =( We had some group work thingy we had to do, and our group was huge! I juss gave my input and dozed off... X_X Bad I know... But I picked it up from some a lazy butt! =P The things I learn...*sigh* hahah So, Mr. Fottrell was bak today! yay! I actually missed having him in class... =P His impression of the baby sleeping/breathing was hilarious! hahaha Whoa.... Then in spanish, we watched more videos from other classes. Nothing wowies...Oooo but in Econ... Sophie and I learned how to screw other ppls over.... that was fun! hahaha We know the trick... =P But we got screwed over ourselves so eh.. I guess we're even... =P AND we learned that we can't trust anyone! heehee Our class is all about screwing each other over and not about cooperation. How sad! *sigh* But it was fun =D Then in Chem, Ms.Turner spent the whole period telling us stories... fun stuff....

Badminton... yes indeed.. game against Mt. Eden. We got shut out... not a surprise... =/ But its all good! It was fun! Rachel and I were like the last to start our games... but the first the get off the court. =( Its sad but funny at the same time. I've learned to be more optimistic about loosing matches now hahaha Go me! =) But after my match, I sat around and talked to Steven for the longest time. Craziness... haha But I found out some interesting things about guys in general.... yup yup yup! He thinks Will's buff! ;) hahaha Quite funny.... Then when we got bak to the HS, Lizzy had to move her car over to the Sr lot, so I walked up to the track cuz (Jackie's there with arroyo's track team) with Charles and met Flora on our way....I haven't seen that guy since wat? 5th grade? But we talk online all the time. He claims that he tried to find me last year at badminton when we were at arroyo but he couldn't. hahaha =P It was nice seeing him again... hasn't changed much since 5th grade though.. =P But that was cool =D hahaha And I realized that he was jock too ;) Funny....So after I left the track, Me, Kevins, Lizzy, Lance and Felicia went to Spasso's to get drinks and talk and stuff and headed home for din din... =) Can't wait till tmr!!!! =)

Quote of the day:

Coach Mei: Steven stop trying to hit on Louisa!
Steven: Wat? I have a gf already!
Coach Mei: That's even worse! One leg on two boats (say in Chinese)
*I crack up... Coach sits down next to Felicia and Lance... Felicia turns around*
Felicia: Wat? Steven u have a gf?
Steven: no no no... I was juss kidding...

hahahaha That was hilarious.. The whole convo was in cantonese though so it was extra funny! =)

Wednesday, April 02, 2003

Got mahself another personal showing today! ;) This one was WAY better than Jason's break dance LOL

Wanna know something nasty? The story in the Olympian about the Juniors making porn and being charged....geez
Whoa....For some reason... I was reallie reallie tired today...X_X Can't wait till friday.....Classes were same as usual...We watched our spanish video in class today! AH!!! Embarassing! =( And we watched Ben and Aj's hahaha So much english! crazy kids....and the filmed Jhermaine waking up... haha cute... =P we had a peer counseling mtg today... went to an interview as well..... and Ben took me and Sophie out to lunch... along wit Byron and Kevin. Fun stuff.. =) He's one scary driver! Oy....X_X We ate at Rigatoni's.. and this lady there asked to use my phone... and she was like yea I need to make a local call... turns out she called some place wit a (610) area code! WTH? AND she called for like 5 mins straight... then put the phone down on the chair next to her and frantically looked through her purse for some paper.... and I didn't wanna ask her for the phone bak cuz that's kinda rude.... And I stood there for at least 15 mins? waiting for my phone bak... obviously she didn't feel uncomfy though cuz she didn't bother giving me my phone bak! So eventually, I told Sophie to call me so I could get it bak... Geez! Thanks Sophie! U're my life-saver! =D Then we headed bak to skool and hung around the parking lot till badminton started... I was so tired that I sat around the whole practice... X_X Felt kinda bad... But I practiced some backhand serves the last 15 mins or so... =/ But way too tired this week for some wakko reason. *sigh* 2 more days till Friday!

Tuesday, April 01, 2003

hahaha So one of the jr juss brought to my attention that I didn't blog about something oy....But here!

I got a personal showing of Jason break dancing today! =D Hahaha He's hecka good! I was shocked! hahaha Thanks mister! ;)The things I get for missing the fashion show.... =P AND we got to see Ken show off his muscles in badminton today... That was rather shocking as well... =P
First off.... Before I forget... my fruity friend Wei-Li's in Miss Teen Chinatown 2003! Woot! ;) U go gurl! I'll be there to support u! =D

So, this morning I had a nice wake-up msg! =) Wat a way to start off my day... so I went to class and it was boring as usual....Played some cards in physics... me and Sophie kick butt! heehee =) Other than that... class wasn't too fun..... =/ Badminton wasn't any better either considering it was training day for doubles and we didn't hit the birdie for two hours! All we did were foot-work stuff.... X_X I was dying in there!!! Then after 5 we played some games... gosh... so some doubles games with Judy against Ken and Charles.... Jb and Flora.. then I played some singles with Jimbo... (EGO! Extremely good odor hahahahah He cracks me up!) And played mixed with Tim against Aj and Ben... Then Aj was ever so nice to walk me to my car so late at nite after badminton. Thanks! Nothing extrememly interesting... Cept now that I talk to Kevin L a lot! hahaha Fun guy to talk to!